Frequently Asked Questions
Every single plan is customized to your individual needs and goals. In addition, every plan is altered based on your biofeedback and information gathered from check-ins. No stock, cookie-cutter plans, or junky algorithms.
My clients have 24/7 access to me via WhatsApp or email. Outside of medical or family emergencies, I will have a response time of under 24 hours. Most times, it’s within an hour or so (pretty much unheard of in online coaching).
Yes, you can pay for longer plans in installments with one of our third-party payment partners at checkout.
I don't subscribe to dogmatic approaches. As they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Everyone has different backgrounds and experience levels in training and nutrition, as well as their personal goals and limitations. It's unreasonable to think there is a cookie-cutter plan to work for all clients. Due to that, I don't send out cookie-cutter programs and diets. Everything is customized to the individual. That includes the plan but also the guidance and suggested strategies along the way.
I also believe in honesty and communication, which is why all clients will have 24/7 access to me, and response times are under 24 hours (usually within a couple of hours). Communication is a two-way street, so I look to work with clients that communicate well and are transparent about obstacles in their way. -
My ideal client has the following attributes:
A quick and simple process on your end. You ensure your training and diet sheets are filled out, you fill out a check-in sheet, and provide photos as needed. From there, I take the gathered information and make any adjustments to your training and diet as needed to maximize progress.
Coaching payments are nonrefundable without exception. Payments for coaching will auto-renew. Auto-renewal can be canceled with (a minimum) 45 day notice.